Madison County Historical Society


Lincoln Speaker and Presenter


     Hilarity, heartbreak, humanity and brilliant speeches abound as President Lincoln recounts his childhood in Indiana(ages 7-21), where he losses his mother and sister, teaches himself to read, and learns the value of hard work.
     Then he is off to Illinois for the prairie lawyer years, life with Mary and sons, political aspirations, and debates with Stephen Douglas.
     Finally, we join him in Washington for the Civil War tragedy and triumph as well as ultimate freedom for slaves.
     Danny Russell is a professional actor who portrays famous Hoosiers such as Lincoln.  A native of Maine, he resides in Indianapolis.  He has been honored by the Indiana Arts Commission with several grants.  Russell tours the Midwest with his signature character.  Russell pursued advanced training at the Chicago Actors Studio and spent many years toiling in regional theater, as well as commercials and industrial films.